
New Painting New Thinking (NPNT)

《新绘画新思维》是一个以绘画艺术为主的网络群体,2016年由张华洁先生创立。成员来自社会中不同年龄、不同职业的艺术家及素人艺术爱好者,大家秉承对绘画和现代艺术的热爱,探索新的绘画途径与思维。这既是类似于约瑟夫·博伊斯“社会雕塑”理念的群体性活动,也是基于网络交流的“自由大学”。这一艺术群体涉及的话题,既从绘画及视觉艺术出发,也不断进入公共领域。而“双新月展”既是学员学习和探索的阶段性成果,也是生活艺术的当下性呈现,它在学院精英教育和民间草根 生发之间试图不断探索绘画艺术新的空间与呈现。

New Painting New Thinking is an online group focusing on painting art, which was founded by Huajie Zhang in 2016. The group members consist of artists and amateur art lovers of different ages and occupations in the society. Adhering to the love of painting and modern art, they are seeking new ways and unique thinking of painting. It is not only a kind of group activity similar to Joseph Beuys' concept of "Social Sculpture" but also a "Free University" based on network communication. The topics involved by this art group not only start from painting and visual arts, but also constantly enter the public domain. The monthly exhibition of NPNT is a contemporary display of life and art as well as a phased achievement 

of their members' study and exploration. They continuously tries to explore a kind of new possibility and presentation of painting art between college elite education and folk grass roots.








Huajie Zhang

Contemporary Artist

Film and Drama Director


Conceptual Photographer

Doctor of Arts

Kontakt: shangjie05@gmail.com

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